Ubud monkey park, MG Mia Asia 1997 part 1



The view from our hotel at sunset. We lived on the second floor with a great balcony!




In the Ubud Monkey forest



One cute little monkey sitting in a tree.








This one wants to play.







Hungry ?







Hey, a coconut is great fun!







In the monkey forest there is a Hindu temple. Note this what you are required to have. And, women having their period are not allowed in.








Actually a nice temple, surrounded and protected by all the monkeys.









Once again.







These monkeys are really tame.







I want that banana!







Thank you!







I want one as well.




Streets of Ubud



This is one of the many streets of Ubud.







An old suspension bridge in the outskirts, near the Neka museum.







Mia liked it a lot, but watch out for all the holes in the bridge!




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