Sun Yat Sen memorial park part 1

The main agenda of the day was to get to the Sun Yat Sen monument. I haven't really figured out who he was, but apparently he is a hero both here in Guangzhou as well as in all of Taiwan. Doesn't make sense to me.
I got the following comment that Sun Yat-sen was the one that lead the revolution against and overcome the Manchu Dynasty. He is seen as an hero against imperalism and is therefore approved in both the Mainland and Taiwan (they are not always mutually exclusive). Compliments of Yung Siu-yee.



Credit cards have come to China. I'd really like to get myself the Great Wall card, one of the few remaining systems outside Visa/Master Card. JCB is my favorite as my friends know...








Outside the Nan Fang department store, the main dept. store in Guangzhou.







The entrance. The store is really old, at least it feels like it.






Lennart and Mia outside a smaller shopping mall.







One of the many nice colonial villas on Shamian island.







There was a sort of theme park just on the other side of the Shamian island. Our guide book said it wasn't worth visiting, but I would have liked to go there.






New skyscrapers are built all over the place. And a new subway which was opened on the day we were here! Operated by the Hong Kong MTR people. Having a subway and expand your market is the way to go...







The Sun Yat Sen memorial in the park. Check out the large view as well!






As seen from the other side of the park.







Nice flower arrangements.







Dr. Sun Yat Sen himself.








Construction going on everywhere outside the park.





Inside the hall. It smelled a lot of mold, I couldn't stand it for more than 2 minutes.




Mia and Lennart in the memorial hall.







Mia admiring the kanji documents. Does she really read Chinese ?




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